I got this award from Date Girl's blog, which is on my list of daily must-reads. Her list was oh-so lovely, so I was excited to make mine!
The rules of the award:
Copy the award image in your post.
List 10 things that make you happy, and try to do at least one of them today.
Then, tag 10 bloggers that make you happy! (I've got quite a long list over there on my left sidebar!)
For the 10 bloggers who get the award, link back to me and spread the happiness!
Here we go:
1. Lists! How appropriate. I'll admit it--I'm a list fanatic. There's something SO satisfying about writing all the daunting things you have to do down and taking satisfaction in crossing them off. Or planning parties and writing down what you'll need while struggling through Chem class...or the types of dogs you're going to adopt when you graduate college...etc, etc.
2. My Brothers Coming Home for Christmas! I love, love the years that my brothers (1, 2, or 3 of 3!) get to come home for Christmas. I love the feeling of a full house bustling with people. I even love sharing my bathroom, aka sanctuary of cleanliness and femininity with them--though they take longer to groom than I do.
3. L. He makes me so happy I almost typed his first name in capital letters, and caught myself and replaced it with his initial at the last second. I love that he calls me baby and it doesn't sound generic. It makes me happy when he picks up little gifts for me that remind him of me (LED light shark keychain? Hell yes!) It makes me happy when he texts me throughout the day when we're apart and always, always makes sure he says I love you and goodnight at the end of the day.
4. Abby. I have the cutest pup in the world. She's 5 and still acts like she's 2. She's clingy as hell but hey, I kinda love it. She slobbers all over me but I don't mind. I like scratching her belly and brushing her because it makes her happy, which in turn makes me happy.
5. Romantic Airport Rendezvous. Even though I hate being away from L. for any period of time, nothing makes me happier than greeting him at the airport. I love eagerly watching for him to walk down the terminal, and I love jumping up into his arms and squealing even if we've only been apart for a week. Gag if you want, but it's them things keeps relationships alive. Also, we've hit a LOT of airports with our rendezvous-tendencies in our one year relationship tenure: St. Louis, Albany, Boston, Manchester, LAX. Impressive.
6. My friends! There's only a few people from high school I still talk to, including Big Relationship, who's still my best friend (don't worry, I know you probably think it's odd...everyone else does too), and they make me happy when I come home. But my Williams friends are people I think will make me happy for the rest of my life, and for that I am incredibly thankful.
7. Christmas Shopping. I know! Everyone has all these posts about how miserable shopping during the holiday season is, but you know what? Call me a masochist, but I really kinda dig it. Lines, crowds, traffic, DEALS, mobs, music, DEALS. It's invigorating! It's a deviation from every day life. People feel like they're part of something. Isn't that what people always want?
8. The Fact that Movie Theaters are Open Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. I know a lot of people will hate me for this one (sorry S.!), but going to the movies Thanksgiving night and Christmas night are some of my most treasured traditions. What's better than gorging yourself on tons of food and then sitting comatose in a giant climate-controlled environment with huge screens and comfy seats? NOTHING, THAT'S WHAT.
9. My Wonderful Parents. My dad took me to get my car fixed today, spent way, way more than anyone should ever have to spend on a car for it, hung out with me for 6 hours while we waited for it to be done, took me to lunch at Chili's even though he doesn't really like Mexican/Southwestern food but knows I love it, brought me to the pet store to look at all the animals, and waited in traffic for 45 minutes at the mall to get my mom a toaster that she really wanted only because it's red and matches the rest of the kitchen. Best dad ever! My mum remembered an off-hand comment I made months ago about desperately wanting Uggs and came home with doppelganger fuggs (fake-uggs) for me, and wasn't able to wrap them and wait to give them to me cause she LOVES giving presents even more than getting them.
10. My Blog! And My Blog's Readers! Blogging is so great as a personal outlet since, because of the dawn of technology I am no longer able to write by hand, but it makes it so much better when I check my statcounter or my comments and see that people enjoy it too! Thanks so much!
And on that note, here are 10 Bloggers Who Always (or Have Recently Begun to!) Brighten My Day!
1. Duoly Noted
2. oh hay, it's kk
3. Shine Out Loud
4. Ramblings of a Fab Brunette
5. Medical School Mrs.
6. The Everyday Adventures of Me in the City
7. kissing frogs
8. Oh, Mishka
9. Girl v. The World
10. Stephany Writes
The rules of the award:
Copy the award image in your post.
List 10 things that make you happy, and try to do at least one of them today.
Then, tag 10 bloggers that make you happy! (I've got quite a long list over there on my left sidebar!)
For the 10 bloggers who get the award, link back to me and spread the happiness!
Here we go:
1. Lists! How appropriate. I'll admit it--I'm a list fanatic. There's something SO satisfying about writing all the daunting things you have to do down and taking satisfaction in crossing them off. Or planning parties and writing down what you'll need while struggling through Chem class...or the types of dogs you're going to adopt when you graduate college...etc, etc.
2. My Brothers Coming Home for Christmas! I love, love the years that my brothers (1, 2, or 3 of 3!) get to come home for Christmas. I love the feeling of a full house bustling with people. I even love sharing my bathroom, aka sanctuary of cleanliness and femininity with them--though they take longer to groom than I do.
3. L. He makes me so happy I almost typed his first name in capital letters, and caught myself and replaced it with his initial at the last second. I love that he calls me baby and it doesn't sound generic. It makes me happy when he picks up little gifts for me that remind him of me (LED light shark keychain? Hell yes!) It makes me happy when he texts me throughout the day when we're apart and always, always makes sure he says I love you and goodnight at the end of the day.
4. Abby. I have the cutest pup in the world. She's 5 and still acts like she's 2. She's clingy as hell but hey, I kinda love it. She slobbers all over me but I don't mind. I like scratching her belly and brushing her because it makes her happy, which in turn makes me happy.
5. Romantic Airport Rendezvous. Even though I hate being away from L. for any period of time, nothing makes me happier than greeting him at the airport. I love eagerly watching for him to walk down the terminal, and I love jumping up into his arms and squealing even if we've only been apart for a week. Gag if you want, but it's them things keeps relationships alive. Also, we've hit a LOT of airports with our rendezvous-tendencies in our one year relationship tenure: St. Louis, Albany, Boston, Manchester, LAX. Impressive.
6. My friends! There's only a few people from high school I still talk to, including Big Relationship, who's still my best friend (don't worry, I know you probably think it's odd...everyone else does too), and they make me happy when I come home. But my Williams friends are people I think will make me happy for the rest of my life, and for that I am incredibly thankful.
7. Christmas Shopping. I know! Everyone has all these posts about how miserable shopping during the holiday season is, but you know what? Call me a masochist, but I really kinda dig it. Lines, crowds, traffic, DEALS, mobs, music, DEALS. It's invigorating! It's a deviation from every day life. People feel like they're part of something. Isn't that what people always want?
8. The Fact that Movie Theaters are Open Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. I know a lot of people will hate me for this one (sorry S.!), but going to the movies Thanksgiving night and Christmas night are some of my most treasured traditions. What's better than gorging yourself on tons of food and then sitting comatose in a giant climate-controlled environment with huge screens and comfy seats? NOTHING, THAT'S WHAT.
9. My Wonderful Parents. My dad took me to get my car fixed today, spent way, way more than anyone should ever have to spend on a car for it, hung out with me for 6 hours while we waited for it to be done, took me to lunch at Chili's even though he doesn't really like Mexican/Southwestern food but knows I love it, brought me to the pet store to look at all the animals, and waited in traffic for 45 minutes at the mall to get my mom a toaster that she really wanted only because it's red and matches the rest of the kitchen. Best dad ever! My mum remembered an off-hand comment I made months ago about desperately wanting Uggs and came home with doppelganger fuggs (fake-uggs) for me, and wasn't able to wrap them and wait to give them to me cause she LOVES giving presents even more than getting them.
10. My Blog! And My Blog's Readers! Blogging is so great as a personal outlet since, because of the dawn of technology I am no longer able to write by hand, but it makes it so much better when I check my statcounter or my comments and see that people enjoy it too! Thanks so much!
And on that note, here are 10 Bloggers Who Always (or Have Recently Begun to!) Brighten My Day!
1. Duoly Noted
2. oh hay, it's kk
3. Shine Out Loud
4. Ramblings of a Fab Brunette
5. Medical School Mrs.
6. The Everyday Adventures of Me in the City
7. kissing frogs
8. Oh, Mishka
9. Girl v. The World
10. Stephany Writes
you know i love the movies i dont mind them being open as long as im not working :) i just saw avatar and its amazing!!! but for christmas you/i should go see sherlock holmes nomnomnom judelawrdjrachelmcadamsdeliciousness.
Aw, thanks! I like lists, too, but...um, I think we have different feelings about the holidays that can be summed up with your #9.
ReplyDeleteYou have made my day! Thank you :) I love reading your blog too!! I hope you have a wonderful Christmas break with your brothers and your sweet parents. I have two brothers and I always get really excited to see them too! xo, KA
ReplyDeleteahhh thank you! i am going to hit this up in my next post!
ReplyDeleteS- I am seeing it Christmas DAY, obvi! Jude Law nom nom.
ReplyDeleteShine- Fair enough!
KA- You are so welcome! I keep telling my L. about your blog and how I hope that's where I'll be in a couple years hint hint ;). Needless to say he's thrilled about that.
kk- No problem, we all need something to be happy about after finals, am I right or am I right?
Thanks for the award! I am such a list maker, too! It's fun and there's such a great relief when you can cross something off your list.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the award!!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome!!! Merry Christmas.
ReplyDeleteThanks doll!!!