I didn't feel teary or apprehensive at all during Senior Week-- it was just tons of fun with my favorite people in the world:
There was the Mt. Hope dinner dance and tent party.
Mt. Hope is a giant mansion the College owns, and every Senior Week a dinner dance and a champagne brunch the following morning are hosted there.
Of course, even though we were on the lawn of an enormous mansion, we had to go pee in port-a-potties hidden in the bushes. Typical.
Later in the week, we had another tent mingling event...
where joyful selfies were necessary.
Friday night, L., the guys in our suite, and I hosted a cookout on our balcony for all of our families. It was the first time my parents and L.'s parents had met!
Bestie Paloma.
One of the cutest pictures ever. My mom is not a huge fan of "pictures on the internet" so we'll see if this one stays!
After the cookout was our last party all together (aptly named Last Chance).
The night before graduation, my dad and my brother took us all out for drinks at the pub and the Red Herring, our two college bars. It was so great to see all my friends bond with my family.
There are so many graduation pictures to sort though that I think those are going to go on a separate post of their own, to follow this one. So, for now, to be continued...