2. As you may have noticed, the cute snow application that used to make my blog seasonal and joyful is now GONE. You know why? Because it's officially March, and I refuse to believe the snow has any reason to continue. Though...it's snowed the last 6 days in a row in Williamstown. And...in New England we regularly have snow through the end of April.
But removing this from my page layout is definitely going to send the snow a major message.
3. L's 21st was on Saturday! I planned three--count 'em, three--surprises for it. Surprise #1 occured on Wednesday and was his actual gift and it consisted of....drum roll...us fleeing Williams for the night, driving three hours to Boston, seeing the LION KING (!!!), getting sugar-free ice cream and mexican food at one of those big highway rest stops (less sketchy than it sounds), and not getting back to Williams till 2 am though we both had class that morning. We are rebels. It felt soo good to get away from this hell-hole (yeah, I said it) for even just an evening. And Lion King was SO. GOOD. There were 15-foot-tall giraffes. Also I ended up getting us literally the LAST seats in the house, in the center of the very LAST row, because I'm a terrible girlfriend (okay, to be fair I don't have any money, and I also spent like a million other dollars on his party birthday dinner and birthday drinks last weekend).
Friday night we had a big party and all night I was getting super antsy about the surprise that L.'s mom and I had planned...42 delicious cupcakes. "But Michelle, you're on South Beach. Why are you eating cupcakes?" you say. To that I say, "Diet was non-existent for one night. I also ate bbq chicken pizza. Deal with it." (To myself.) (Because when I go off my diet, I cry. Literally. And then refuse to wear real pants.)
The cupcakes were a hit. Plus, they were huge with tons of frosting, so they were perfect for smooshing in L.'s face. (It's his birthday. It's gotta happen.)
Saturday, his actual b-day, I took him and some of our guy friends to The Forge, aka the best wings and beer in the Berkshires, nay, Massachusetts, nay, the world. They have over 300 kinds of beer, most of it on tap. And the wings. Oh my god the wings. We got 4 dozen. YUP. 4 DOZEN. We don't mess around.
I'm a little disconcerted that the bar, my 21-year-old-girl-time escape, is now able to be infiltrated by my boyfriend, who, clearly, I love very much, but sometimes a girl's gotta get away. But we had tons of fun there too and L. did not go without, if you know what I mean. I had to BEG people to STOP buying him drinks.
4. I've been doing South Beach again for almost 3 weeks now. Last summer when I started I went from weighing 155-160 and being a size 10-12, the weight at which I felt the most depressed and miserable I've ever felt, to 140, or a size 8. It was life-changing. I fell off the wagon a bit late last fall/winter (aka holiday season) and hovered around 145-147 for awhile. Since L. and I are going to Hawaii in three weeks, three weeks ago I decided it was time to kick myself into high gear. I've been eating nothing but veggies and meat, and hitting the gym every day, which is HUGE for me since I've always been great with diets but terrible at getting to the gym. I weighed myself the other day and...I'm at 138!
You have no idea what this means to me. I haven't been in the 130's since middle school, I think. This also means I'm only 13 pounds away from my ultimate goal, 125. That is incredible to me. 125 is the weight at which I will be completely satisfied, and finally feel that I'm living in the body I want to live in. I've never thought that state of mind could be attainable, and to know it's only 13 lbs and some toning away is mind-blowing. I'm hovering between a size 8 and 6 right now, and ultimately I'd love to be a 4.
Last summer, I mentioned that I was dieting, but I never would have DREAMED of sharing my weight or dress size on my blog/the interwebs. But I've realized that including people in my goals and progress has helped me tremendously in getting it off faster.
Also, I'd just like to reinforce that these numbers (125, size 4) are what I've decided is best for me, and my body type. I've arrived at them from careful study of my BMI, and the target weight for my height and age. This is completely different for everyone, but I just want everyone to know I'm not striving for some arbitrary number because my definition of "thin" has been skewed by too many hours spend browsing through the Victoria's Secret catalogue. I'm never going to be "thin"--my boobs and butt laugh in the face of that word--but I think these numbers are where my figure will feel happiest.
5. That being said, I'm actually getting EXCITED to go bathing suit shopping. I hate swimming and going to the beach and I've realized I hate those things because I've never felt comfortable in a bathing suit. Well, that's over now. I'm determined to look smokin' in this little number:

I LOVE THIS SWIMSUIT. I love those coral bubbles. I think they're the most adorable thing, ever.
What's your favorite swimsuit of the season?
Congrats!! Weight loss is so tough and people tend to forget what a huge battle it is because EVERYONE is going through it. But you have a very realistic goal and sounds like you are still enjoying life in the process, so cheers to you! You'll get there soon enough. :)
ReplyDeleteA.) You are one hell of a good girlfriend, quite the surprise!
ReplyDeleteB.) Good for you for meeting your weight loss goals! That's incredible and very inspiring.
Thank you so much ladies! This is why I'm not afraid to share these once-dreaded numbers anymore-- nothing makes it more worth it than getting support =).
ReplyDeleteAnd Melissa, while that may be true (so humble, I know), I hope to be as good a wife as you are someday soon!
Congrats on making such awesome progress! I'm glad you're aiming for a healthy weight, too, and not some insane number!!
ReplyDeleteAnd now I understand why you didn't have L with you on your birthday! :-) The Lion King sounds like a lot of fun!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with the diet. I'm on a workout/portion control regiment myself so I can look fabulous for the wedding. I'm also excited for swim suit shopping! That swimsuit is adorable. And just remember, don't obsess about the numbers as much as how you feel in your clothes and how you look. My body is naturally heavier because I have a decent amount of muscle so I have to tell myself to stop freaking out about the scale. Losing inches and toning up is an amazing feeling though. Proud of you girl!! That's so hard to do in college. :-) You rock!