Sunday, August 15, 2010

Alpha Ring Giveaway WINNER!

Well, I'm back from my absolutely lovely Cape Cod weekend, and while I'm slowly coming to terms with the fact that I'm sitting at my desk and not on the beach, I thought I'd distract myself with some exciting news...our giveaway winner!

I used to determine which comment in our 19 entries would come out on top. selected lucky number 10, which turned out to be...

Congratulations, Emily Ann! I'll be emailing you soon with the details. I think we'd all love to know what kind of ring you're going to choose! Copper with a big E? Silver with a small e?

Emily Ann's blog is adorable so if you haven't checked her out, definitely take a second to do so! It will brighten up your morning...especially if, like me, you can't quite embrace the workweek yet.

I'm working on the Cape Cod recap but we crammed a lot into those few days so we'll see when I finish that. Plus, this is my last week of work (for the summer, anyway; I'll be continuing my internship in the fall), so I actually--gasp--have a lot to do! Hope everyone had a lovely weekend!


  1. Ohhhhh, so close! HA! I'll have to check out the lucky winner's blog. : )

  2. Haha Kristin I KNOW! Maybe the next one? Start sending your thoughts and praises to the gods?
