My friend P., having read my previous posts that are becoming a feature of sorts where I find really cute clothes...and then find versions for all of you for a hell of a lot cheaper (such as I did here and here), asked me if I would do the same for her with a gorgeous orange pea coat she had found, but was hoping to find for a lot less. I accepted the mission.
Since we already did the prowling of the internets looking for other versions that I have to normally do when I write these little features, I thought, well, I might as well make one, and see if anyone needs an orange pea coat!
Thus, Michelle's Cheaper Finds for the Karmaloop Breathe Easy Jacket by Joyrich:

P. found this beautiful pea coat in orange and decided, naturally, that she had to have it. But at $118.00, she wondered if she could find something comparable for a better price.
I set out in search of a coat I had spied when I may or may not have been ordering some cute sweaters for myself at American Eagle (25% off and free shipping! Come on, what do you expect from me?), so I directed her to the AE Warm Pea coat:

So what do you think? Did P. find her miracle, under-$50 (yes, that was her parameter...girl knows what she wants!) orange pea coat?
Why yes. Yes, she did.
The Forever 21 Chelsea Wool Blend Coat:

I'll admit, I lost faith for awhile there. I did not believe that P. would be able to find her orange pea coat for under $50. Plus shipping.
The Forever 21 coat?
Even with shipping, she'll still come out under $50.00
And now I kind of want it...
Stay tuned for Jenna's J. Crew Holiday Gift Picks: Michelle Can Do it Cheaper Edition, coming soon!
(Wow, Jenna's really gonna hate me if she ever finds my blog...)
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